If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.
To no one's surprise, this line made it on 's list of the 25 most romantic movie lines. (Everett Collection/Shutterstock) Pretty Woman catapulted Julia Roberts, 53, to superstardom. After moving to New York as a young 20-year-old, Roberts now resides with her family in Malibu, California. If you're a big fan of British romantic comedies, you might hope that someone you like uses this line on you one day. Julia Roberts was born in Atlanta, Georgia but relocated to the smaller Georgia town of Smyrna when her parents divorced when Julia was just 4 years old. Anna is the biggest movie star in the world, after all. It might not change his mind immediately, but don't worry-Will comes around. This super romantic line pops up in the movie when Anna has kind of messed up with Will and is asking for a second chance. Second, he falls in mutually reciprocated love with the world's biggest movie star. First of all, its main character, William Thacker, owns a travel bookstore and somehow has enough money to eat and live in London. Notting Hill is really a fairy tale masquerading as a romantic comedy. This line is spoken by Anna Scott, played by Julia Roberts, in the film Notting Hill, directed by Roger Michell (1999). Love Humor Nature Funny Relationship Sympathy Movie Assorted Movie Character Marriage Communication Context